Car Accidents

Richmond Car Accident Lawyers Manage Virginia Fault State Laws

The nature of car accidents in Richmond and elsewhere in Virginia makes traffic mishaps, with or without bodily injuries, a legal challenge. More often than not, it is necessary to call in a car accident lawyer because insurance companies usually try to place blame on the opposite party—including the victim.

In Richmond, the car accident lawyers at Douglas A. Lines, P.C. understand the full realm of emotions, concerns and costs that happen when vehicles collide. Part of that comes from a professional focus: Virginia is a fault state, meaning it is necessary to establish who was negligent in causing the accident to happen. Among car accident lawyers in Richmond, the firm works from a position of knowledge, as its lawyers formerly worked in a large insurance company.

But the firm serves its clients from a personal focus as well. Any car accident injury can change the lives of victims and their families forever, and litigation in a Richmond court around a car accident injury can cost victims much time and effort. The outcome, however, can be a settlement that removes financial worries from the picture.

Why you need a lawyer if you were in a car accident in Richmond

Richmond car accident lawyers are familiar with the process and pitfalls of litigation following a car accident injury. In Richmond and throughout the state, a qualified and experienced car accident attorney can guide you through the steps that are crucial to a successful and fair settlement:

  • Need to follow strict insurance company rules. Failing to act on certain stipulations of your insurance contract can mean not having your costs covered. An attorney can ensure that the stipulations are met.
  • Dealing with uninsured motorists. Your insurance policy might or might not cover you in the case where the at-fault motorist is uninsured. This can be tricky territory.
  • Countersuits from the other driver. The insurance company covering the other party or parties in the accident will, in the absence of clear evidence in a police report, try to place blame on you. Professional forensics and expert witnesses may need to be recruited in your defense.

Every accident has its own set of circumstances that can complicate and challenge the proceedings. Lawyers in car accident settlement litigation work on a contingency basis, meaning no upfront fees are required. The fee is based on the successful completion of litigation, when a settlement agreement is reached.

…Now let us work for you
If a loved one died as a result of an accident, or if you were injured in an automobile accident in Richmond, we want to hear from you. For a free consultation with a Douglas A. Lines, P.C. car accident accident lawyer, call 804-762-4878 or contact us online.